Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti
Background of Formation
Maharashtra is considered as the Land of Saints and Social Reformers. The traditions of Saints which started from Saint Dnyaneshwar in 13th Century has reached upto the 20th Century Saints like Saint Gadage Baba, Saint Tukadoji Maharaj. Maharashtra has also got the same rich tradition of 150 years of Social Reformers, starting from Lokahitavadi to Prabodhanakar Thackaray. Both of these traditions made efforts to pull out the Indian people from the mud of undesirable customs, traditions, outdated practices and superstitions. While examining the Religion critically and for the benefit of the society, these saints opposed the exploitation and ritualism in it. They promoted Logical Rationalism, Reformism, Scientific Temper and Humanism. This thought is known in Maharashtra, as, Phule - Shahu - Ambedkar tradition of thought.
Despite such a long tradition of awakening, the Charlatanry and Superstitions are flourishing in Maharashtra with great pace.
With this background, Martyr Dr. Narendra Dabholkar established Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti on 9th August, 1989.
Samiti’s Mission Statement
I will actively work for eradication of superstitions from myself, family, society and Nation and will practice and spread scientific temper, rationalism and humanism. I will make this as a part of my living. I trust that only this is beneficial and will cause development and upliftment of myself and the entire Society.
Activists of Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti understand and agree to this aim from mind and on the level of thought and then they actively follow it permanently.
To be successful in this mission, the Organisation has created Five Principles (Panch-sutree) for its work and thought.
To oppose the superstitions which involve exploitation, cheating and are misleading.
To propogate, spread and follow Scientific Temperament.
To examine the Religion firmly, critically but constructively, corresponding to the Time.
To activate the heritage of Saints and Social reformers and values of the Constitution.
To join hands with the movement of comprehensive social reforms.
These Five Principles are the foundation of Organisation’s thought and work.